onsdag 20 maj 2009


We haven't had time to write here for a while, since we've been occupied by finishing the final report. As consolation, here is our latest Youtube video:

This is the same table we had on the exhibition earlier this week. A lot of people were interested in our product and impressed of what we had done.

torsdag 14 maj 2009

The End is near...

The project is almost due - development stopped earlier this week, and now we're deep into the lands of report writing. A Scary Place indeed.

Here is a small demo of some of what we have accomplished:

tisdag 7 april 2009

fredag 3 april 2009

Week 11 - We're Finally Making Stuff!

We have finally started producing some tangible results this week. The concept design stage is finished and we have settled on a style that is both professional and fresh. This has transitioned into the creation of several mockups, which means that the GUI stage is on schedule and going well.

Code-wise we have started testing and figuring out the ins and outs of a few frameworks that we'll use in our implementation. Currently we are dealing with basic problems like how to rotate and scale windows. The schedule for the implementation stage is pretty tight, which means that we'll have to prioritize as to what features we'll include in the final product.

Furthermore we've had a meeting with inUse where we got some pointers on how to design menus and buttons, and how to analyze our findings from the meeting observations we conducted as part of the research stage last week. Generally they like what we're doing and the direction we're heading in. We also had a meeting with our tutor Morten, where he showed us some resources that we can look into in order to further develop our project.

fredag 27 mars 2009

More Psychedelic Window Manager

Psychedelic Window Manager

We've finally started playing around with the hardware and testing out code. This is also known as the "Interactive Art" stage.

fredag 6 mars 2009

This week we have revised our project plan and is now focused on an application for collaborative work and meetings. On Tuesday we discussed different tasks that we wanted our application to handle and rated them on different priority.

We started the work on Friday with a meeting with our Tutor and Touchtech. We informed them about our revised plan and got some tips about what to do next. Later on we worked on the design document that should be finished during next week.